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Beginners Guide for Selection of Acrylic Pour Painting Supplies

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acrylic pour painting supplies

Acrylic pour paint is an art of healing in the form of a fun recreational activity. Before you begin your therapy process, it’s important to gather all the essential materials that you will require. That includes selecting acrylic paints to get started. Choosing what color to use is easy, but deciding which ‘body’ of the paint you should use can be confusing. That is because the consistency of acrylic paints impact the pattern of your composition.

A Selection of Professional Acrylic Pour Painting Supplies:

  • Soft body and inks acrylic pour painting supplies

Acrylic Inks, soft body, high flow and fluid acrylic paints are the ideal supplies for the perfect acrylic pour art for sale. Their viscosity usually falls between milk and heavy cream. Milky paints are usually made through ink and high flow and cream through soft body paints and fluids. This low consistency allows you to blend the colors with the pouring medium easily without requiring a lot of medium.

  • Heavy body acrylic pour painting supplies

Heavy Body are acrylics with a much thicker viscosity. Although they can be used with a pouring technique but for that you will have to add more medium to get them to the right honey-like consistency required for pouring. Some experts recommend thinning the color with a fluid medium before adding pouring medium. Although you can use a small amount of water to thin your color along with pouring medium, but too much water can increase the chances of pour failure.

Using thick paints also makes it harder to mix your paint and medium in a smooth, uniform finish. Trying to get rid of clumps can create lots of bubbles in your pouring mixture which consequently develops an uneven, textured finish. You can avoid these by using a consistency of acrylic pour paint ideal for the pouring process.

  • Student grade acrylic pour painting supplies

Student grade acrylic paints are not available in different consistencies. Their viscosity is generally between soft and heavy body. Student grade can be used for the art of healing using acrylic pour paint technique, but they usually require more medium for the perfect pouring consistency.

  • Acrylic Gouache

Acrylic Gouache is a recent additions to the range of acrylic pour painting supplies. They offer all the traditional benefits of gouache paint, with an additional one of an acrylic binder. Using acrylic grouache, you can layer paint without risking activation of the colors below. When dried, these paints result in an opaque, flat, matt finish which does not retain brush strokes.

Other Essentials:

  • Canvas sheets

If you’re a beginner in acrylic pour paint or are pursuing it as an art of healing, and prefer not to work on an expensive canvas, then canvas textured papers are the best option for you. These papers are prepared for use with acrylics and are extremely affordable. They are easier to transport and can be carried or stored like a standard sketchbook.

  • Paint brushes

Acrylic pour paint is famous for its unique techniques of creating art. You don’t need different sized brushes or pencils to sketch or paint a master piece. It completely depends on the way you utilize your creativity that affects the outcome of your composition.

Many people feel replenished and refreshed after working with paints and colors. Art is a way to express yourself and relieve stress. Colors, having the right consistency and a canvas sheet are enough for beginners to step into the world of acrylic pour painting.