The team at Indiana Safety And Health are the best first AID training provider in the city. They trainyou in a way that you can become one of the Approved first AID Training Providers. Become a qualified first responder. Our purpose here is to assist individuals inappropriately preparing for and responding to emergencies. Toachieve this aim, we've created various training and certification programsthat can equip you to assist during times of disaster. Training programs provide you with the knowledge and abilities you need to assist adults and children in various emergency circumstances. Our first aid training is available in various formats, including online, in person, and through our blended training technique, which combines online study with hands-on skills sessions. We understand the importance of employee safety and OSHA compliance, so we provide so many training programs!
The schedule and training programs are designedand delivered by specialists who spend days planning the training program. Bestof all, you may get your first aid certification in the method that best suits you, whether you take lessons in person or through our best-in-class blendedSimulation Learning, which blends an online component with in-class skillssessions. Our services include:
1. Expert Instruction
For many years, we've been preparing people andorganizations to be prepared in the event of a disaster.
2. Best Solutions
Flexible training options for companies and healthcareproviders that fulfil certification criteria.
3. Efficient Training
Millions of individuals are trained in First Aid, CPR, AEDusage, and Basic Life Support by the Red Cross each year saving lives in homes,workplaces, and schools.
4. Training with Experts
With us, you can get best-in-class safety training thatfulfils certification criteria for businesses, healthcare providers, andaquatics institutions.
Best First AID Training Providers work together to deliverhigh-quality Health and Safety Services training in local areas. Approved FirstAID Training Providers get access to the most up-to-date science-based curriculum and course materials, as well as training videos, teacher onboardingmaterials, and other resources as collaborators. These training providers haveto provide the most effective quality training feasible, whether for theirworkers, volunteers, clients, or community members. Whether your employerrequires your training or you desire a safer workplace, the professionals we bring in as your trainer offer flexible training options that adhere to yourcorporate requirements while staying within your budget.
Who Is The Target Audience?
Individuals who need or want to learn basic first aid skillsand knowledge for adults, children, or both, such as:
· Business and industry have emergency responseteams.
· Drivers of school buses
· Personnel who work in adult residential care
· Employees that work with children
· Teachers
· Parents
· Babysitters
The first aid training and certification procedure onlytakes a few hours to complete, but it may assist you to provide care to someonein need while waiting for medical help. When you complete any of us in-person or blended learning courses, you will be awarded a two-year certification aswell as access to refreshers to help you maintain your skills during yourcertification term. Our training includes the following classes.
· First Aid Assessment
· Splint, Sling, Swath
· Medical Emergencies
· Injuries and Traumatic Emergencies
· Environmental Emergencies
· First Aid Kit Contents