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Shower Water Filters - The Complete Buyers Guide

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What is a Shower Filter and Working of Shower Filter?

A shower filter is a unit that you can separately attach to your shower head or pipeline so that it filters your tap water. It connects to the mainline of water that is entering your house so that all of the water dispensers placed in your home – toilets, showers, faucets, baths, kitchen, and laundry dispense filtered water.

As the water that is coming directly is dirtier and at times contain harmful organisms and chemicals like chlorine and metals – it’s better if these are filtered and removed before entering your dispensers.

How Does a Shower Water Filter Work?

Carbon Filters: These shower water filters let the water pass through 12 different substances just to makes the water clean and remove all the harmful particles, microorganisms and other products present in it. The very first step of this process includes the water passing through a tightly woven cotton that filters the particles that are larger than 0.3 microns.

This particular step will remove most of the dirt and bacteria. The next step includes softening the water with the help of ion exchange resins to maintain the pH level of water. In addition to this step, the calcium and magnesium particles found in the water will be blocked. After this, the water will go through carbon filters that will remove a lot of harmful chemicals including, chlorine. There are further steps where the water is filtered more time to get rid of all the harmful chemicals.

KDF Filters: This particular filter is solely made up of copper and zinc. As both of these metals are opposite to each other in charge, they create an electrical charge field that is not noticeable by humans, but the metals will notice it. As a result of this process, the water that passes through this field will break the structure of chlorine. This whole process will make the water soluble. After this whole process, other chemicals found in water (led, copper, and mercury) will be removed.

Vitamin C Filters: These vitamin C filters are known to be some of the best solutions present to remove chlorine and other harmful chemicals from the water. This particular chlorine filter uses vitamin C cubes to neutralize all the heavy metals present in the water.

Is a Shower Filter Necessary

If you are using a shower filtration system to filter your water there is no need to use a shower filter. However, if you are not using a filtration system then you should be opting for a shower filter.

If you think that the water that comes directly from the waterline is healthy and clean then you are totally wrong. The point here is, the water coming from your pipeline is not always clean and healthy as it seems to be. Do you remember the last time when there was clean and healthy water running through your pipelines or any authority cleaning those pipelines or installing new ones? No, right? You do not remember such a thing because it has never happened. Most of the towns and cities still do not have new pipelines making the water dirtier.

Benefits of Shower Filter

There are many known benefits of using shower water filters, here are some of them.

Makes Water Soft: The natural water that comes from wells is hard and pretty bad for your skin and hair. However, using the Best Shower Filter For Hard Water will make the well water soft by removing all the heavy metals and mainlining the pH level of water. Washing your skin and hair with soft water will make your skin glow and hair shine.

Reduces Chlorine: For many years, chlorine has been used in water as a solution to remove bacteria, viruses, and other dangerous metals present in the water. However, after some research, we got to know that chlorine also tends to remove the bacteria that is produced on our skin. As a result, we will become more vulnerable to skin diseases. In addition to this, the chlorine present in the water can make your skin and hair dead and dry.

Removes Harmful Chemicals: There are certain chemicals that make their way and are still present in the water. These are substances like pesticides, industrial waste, pharmaceutical products that can be found in the water and are extremely bad for your health.

Removes Bacteria and Virus: Using the Best Shower Water Filter will help remove almost all of the bacteria and harmful metals that are present in the water or in your shower head. Our shower head makes for a perfect place where bacteria can reside. Using a shower water filter will remove most of the bacteria.