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Beach Volleyball- Funny Gameplay On The Beach

· Sports
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Beach volleyball is a variant of volleyball but played on a sandy surface, usually on the beach. In its professional version, it is federated to the FIVB (International Volleyball Federation) and is Olympic since 1996. When the weather is good, it is a fun sport to practice on any beach. In this article, we will see how to play beach volleyball.

You must have a basic idea of ​​how to play volleyball. The objective is:

  • Make ball kicks.
  • Return the ball.
  • Don't let the ball fall to the floor on your side.
  • Don't let the ball fall out of bounds.

You will need to:

  • 4 or 6 people
  • A volleyball
  • Soft and flexible material tapes to mark the boundaries of the field
  • Beach volleyball net and side rods to fix it to the ground
  • Knee pads

Steps to follow:


Beach volleyball is a collective sport. In it, two teams face each other. The number of components of each team can be any. But the usual thing is two people compete against two different people. It is disputed outdoors in a rectangular field whose surface is sandy, usually a beach. A beach volleyball net is located in the central area of ​​the field. The dimensions of the field and the height of the network can be random when we practice it on our own. Officially it is played in a rectangle 9 meters wide by 18 long. The height of the net is 2.24 meters for girls and 2.43 meters for boys.


The way of scoring and the blows of beach volleyball closely resemble volleyball. In this case, the team that gets 2 sets wins the game, and the team that reaches 21 points with at least 2 difference from the opponent wins the set. If it reaches 21 points the difference is less than 2 points, the set is extended until one of the teams reaches 2 points of deviation from the other.


The match starts with a throw-in from the bottom of the court. To score, the ball must cross the net and touch the floor of the court that corresponds to the other team. The opposing team must prevent the service ball from reaching its track. The classic hits are served, reception, placement and auction.


Reception is the way the rival team has to stop the server. It can be received in many ways, but it is usual to join both hands and give a light touch up to the ball. This will facilitate the next placement done by the other teammate since no player can give 2 consecutive hits. The arrangement consists of placing both hands close and open and hit the ball from beneath. Raise it above the height of the net so that the partner makes the next blow, the shot.


The rest is practical. Test the strength and power, the power of the shot and the ability to hit the ball accurately. That's why we invite you to take advantage of the hottest days and enjoy this entertaining beach sport.


The ribbons that limit the field must be of a color that contrasts with the color of the sand.